ملتقى الفيزيائيين العرب - عرض مشاركة واحدة - URANIUM MINERALS
عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 25-11-2005, 12:57
الصورة الرمزية no1
غير متواجد
مشرف المنتدى العام ومنتدى التجارب ومنتدى الفيزياء النووية.
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2005
المشاركات: 1,003
افتراضي مشاركة: URANIUM MINERALS

uranium (V) chloride
• Formula as commonly written: UCl5
• Hill system formula: Cl5U1
• CAS registry number: [13470-21-8]
• Formula weight: 415.292
• Class: chloride
• uranium (V) chloride
• uranium chloride
• uranium pentachloride
Physical properties
• Colour: brown
• Appearance: crystalline solid
• Melting point: 287°C
• Boiling point: 527
• Density:
Element analysis and oxidation numbers
For each compound, and where possible, a formal oxidation number for each element is given, but the usefulness of this number is limited, especially so for p-block elements in particular. Based upon that oxidation number, an electronic configuration is also given but note that for more exotic compounds you should view this as a guide only.
Element % Formal oxidation state Formal electronic configuration
Cl 42.68 -1 [Ne].3s2.3p6
U 57.32 5 [Rn].5f1
Not available
Isotope pattern
What follows is the calculated isotope pattern for the UCl5 unit with the most intense ion set to 100%.
Formula: U1Cl5
mass %
409 0.0
410 0.5
411 0.0
412 0.7
413 62.5
414 0.5
415 100.0
416 0.1
417 64.0
418 0.0
419 20.4
420 0.0
421 3.3
422 0.0
423 0.2
رد مع اقتباس