ملتقى الفيزيائيين العرب - عرض مشاركة واحدة - URANIUM MINERALS
عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 25-11-2005, 13:00
الصورة الرمزية no1
غير متواجد
مشرف المنتدى العام ومنتدى التجارب ومنتدى الفيزياء النووية.
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2005
المشاركات: 1,003
افتراضي مشاركة: URANIUM MINERALS

uranium (V) oxide
• Formula as commonly written: U2O5
• Hill system formula: O5U2
• CAS registry number: [12065-66-6]
• Formula weight: 556.055
• Class: oxide
• uranium (V) oxide
• uranium oxide
• diuranium pentoxide
Physical properties
• Colour: black
• Appearance:
• Melting point:
• Boiling point:
• Density:
Element analysis and oxidation numbers
For each compound, and where possible, a formal oxidation number for each element is given, but the usefulness of this number is limited, especially so for p-block elements in particular. Based upon that oxidation number, an electronic configuration is also given but note that for more exotic compounds you should view this as a guide only.
Element % Formal oxidation state Formal electronic configuration
O 14.39 -2 [He].2s2.2p6
U 85.61 5 [Rn].5f1
Not available
Isotope pattern
What follows is the calculated isotope pattern for the U2O5 unit with the most intense ion set to 100%.
Formula: U2O5
mass %
550 0.0
551 0.0
552 0.0
553 1.5
554 0.0
555 0.0
556 100.0
557 0.2
558 1.0
559 0.0
560 0.0
رد مع اقتباس