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لماذا تعمل السيارة بشكل أفضل في يوم بارد؟! |
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رد: لماذا تعمل السيارة بشكل أفضل في يوم بارد؟!
باااااارك الله فييك
رد: لماذا تعمل السيارة بشكل أفضل في يوم بارد؟!
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رد: لماذا تعمل السيارة بشكل أفضل في يوم بارد؟!
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رد: لماذا تعمل السيارة بشكل أفضل في يوم بارد؟!
جزاكم الله خيرا
رد: لماذا تعمل السيارة بشكل أفضل في يوم بارد؟!
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ذانكس تو يو (thanks to you) |
فيزيائي 2009 |
مشاهدة ملفه الشخصي |
البحث عن كل مشاركات فيزيائي 2009 |
رد: لماذا تعمل السيارة بشكل أفضل في يوم بارد؟!
The performance of the car in the cold day
فيزيائي 2009 |
مشاهدة ملفه الشخصي |
البحث عن كل مشاركات فيزيائي 2009 |
رد: لماذا تعمل السيارة بشكل أفضل في يوم بارد؟!
The performance of an engine depends on various factors, one of which is the combustion of fuel. As we all know, oxygen (air) is a basic necessity for burning fuel. In simpler terms, a mixture of air and gasoline is important for igniting the engine and determining its performance. A cold air intake is a technology designed for drawing cold air from outside into a vehicle's internal combustion engine for enhancing the engine efficacy. Let's discuss in brief on how does a cold air intake work.
Working of a Cold Air Intake As compared to the regular preheated air intake inside the engine, low-temperature air has higher density (for a specific volume) which is charged with more power. When the dense cold air enters into the engine, it is mixed with the fuel. The compressed air and fuel mixture expands more after being heated, resulting in greater combustion and higher horsepower. Prior to the implementation of cold air intake systems, car racers used containers for adding dry ice, which were placed adjacent to the carburetor for a greater engine mileage. A cold air intake system allows more air to enter the engine. Consequently, the oxygen received for fuel combustion is enhanced, thus resulting in better engine performance. Overall, a cold air intake works by increasing the rate of airflow in the internal combustion engine of the vehicle. As air is drawn faster, the heat absorption is less. One of the drawbacks of a cold air intake is increase in the chances of hydrolock, in which moisture or water is introduced inside the engine when a vehicle passes a flooded road. For preventing the risk of hydrolock, you can install effective filter systems in the car. Otherwise, the cold air intake tube should be installed at a higher position above the bumper, to prevent entry of water from the road. Another device for harvesting outside air is the short ram intake. The main difference between a cold air intake and short ram intake is that the latter derives air from the engine bay. The effectiveness of short ram intake for elevating engine efficacy is controversial. In comparison to other performance enhancing equipments, a cold air intake is less expensive and easy to install. These aftermarket car parts are available in various materials, sizes and colors. Do not opt for metal parts; you can select a cold air intake device which is made of either plastic or rubber. As metal is a good conductor of heat, it absorbs heat from the surroundings, which in turn makes the air thinner before entering the internal combustion engine. An alternative for using metal made cold air intake is to wrap asbestos around the system. You can purchase a cold air intake system that matches your car and meets your requirements. Nevertheless, a superior quality cold air intake system is always preferred in order to reduce engine noise and enhance the appearance of the car engine bay. Always check for the brand, performance and warranty while shopping around for a cold air intake. In day-to-day usage, cold air intake is used to signify any system that enhances the oxygen flow inside the engine. |
فيزيائي 2009 |
مشاهدة ملفه الشخصي |
البحث عن كل مشاركات فيزيائي 2009 |
رد: لماذا تعمل السيارة بشكل أفضل في يوم بارد؟!
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