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Center of mass and gravity ملف للتحميل |
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Center of mass and gravity ملف للتحميل
Center of mass and gravity ملف للتحميل
رد: Center of mass and gravity ملف للتحميل
For every system and at every instant in time, there is a unique location in space that
is the average position of the system’s mass. This place is called the center of mass, commonly designated by cm, c.o.m., COM, G, c.g., or . One of the routine but important tasks of many real engineers is to find the center of mass of a complex machine1 . Just knowing the location of the center of mass of 1 Nowadays this routine work is often done with CAD (computer aided design) software. But an engineer still needs to know the basic calculation skills, to make sanity checks on computer calculations if nothing else. a car, for example, is enough to estimate whether it can be tipped over by maneuvers on level ground. The center of mass of a boat must be low enough for the boat to be stable. Any propulsive force on a space craft must be directed towards the center of mass in order to not induce rotations. Tracking the trajectory of the center of mass of an exploding plane can determine whether or not it was hit by a massive object. Any rotating piece of machinery must have its center of mass on the axis of rotation if it is not to cause much vibration. Also, many calculations in mechanics are greatly simplified by making use of a system’s center of mass. In particular, the whole complicated distribution of nearearth gravity forces on a body is equivalent to a single force at the body’s center of mass. Many of the important quantities in dynamics are similarly simplified using the center of mass. |
رد: Center of mass and gravity ملف للتحميل
جزاك الله ألف خير
رد: Center of mass and gravity ملف للتحميل
بارك الله فيكم يا دكتور معن
كل عام وانتم بخير عيد مبارك الثلاثاء 10 ذو الحجة 1431 |
فيزيائي 2009 |
مشاهدة ملفه الشخصي |
البحث عن كل مشاركات فيزيائي 2009 |
رد: Center of mass and gravity ملف للتحميل
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رد: Center of mass and gravity ملف للتحميل
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رد: Center of mass and gravity ملف للتحميل
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