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تاريخ جائزة نوبل في الفيزياء
Nobel Prizes All Nobel Prizes in physics are listed (and marked with a P), as well as relevant Nobel Prizes in Chemistry (C). The key dates for some of the scientific work are supplied; they often antedate the prize considerably. 1901 (P) Wilhelm Roentgen for discovering x-rays (1895). 1902 (P) Hendrik A. Lorentz for predicting the Zeeman effect and Pieter Zeeman for discovering the Zeeman effect, the splitting of spectral lines in magnetic fields. 1903 (P) Antoine-Henri Becquerel for discovering radioactivity (1896) and Pierre and Marie Curie for studying radioactivity. 1904 (P) Lord Rayleigh for studying the density of gases and discovering argon. (C) William Ramsay for discovering the inert gas elements helium, neon, xenon, and krypton, and placing them in the periodic table. 1905 (P) Philipp Lenard for studying cathode rays, electrons (1898–1899). 1906 (P) J. J. Thomson for studying electrical discharge through gases and discovering the electron (1897). 1907 (P) Albert A. Michelson for inventing optical instruments and measuring the speed of light (1880s). 1908 (P) Gabriel Lippmann for making the first color photographic plate, using interference methods (1891). (C) Ernest Rutherford for discovering that atoms can be broken apart by alpha rays and for studying radioactivity. 1909 (P) Guglielmo Marconi and Carl Ferdinand Braun for developing wireless telegraphy. 1910 (P) Johannes D. van der Waals for studying the equation of state for gases and liquids (1881). 1911 (P) Wilhelm Wien for discovering Wien’s law giving the peak of a blackbody spectrum (1893). (C) Marie Curie for discovering radium and polonium (1898) and isolating radium. 1912 (P) Nils Dalén for inventing automatic gas regulators for lighthouses. 1913 (P) Heike Kamerlingh Onnes for the discovery of superconductivity and liquefying helium (1908). 1914 (P) Max T. F. von Laue for studying x-rays from their diffraction by crystals, showing that x-rays are electromagnetic waves (1912). (C) Theodore W. Richards for determining the atomic weights of sixty elements, indicating the existence of isotopes. 1915 (P) William Henry Bragg and William Lawrence Bragg, his son, for studying the diffraction of x-rays in crystals. 1917 (P) Charles Barkla for studying atoms by x-ray scattering (1906). 1918 (P) Max Planck for discovering energy quanta (1900). 1919 (P) Johannes Stark, for discovering the Stark effect, the splitting of spectral lines in electric fields (1913). A.35 A.36 APPENDIX E Nobel Prizes 1920 (P) Charles-Édouard Guillaume for discovering invar, a nickel-steel alloy with low coefficient of expansion. (C) Walther Nernst for studying heat changes in chemical reactions and formulating the third law of thermodynamics (1918). 1921 (P) Albert Einstein for explaining the photoelectric effect and for his services to theoretical physics (1905). (C) Frederick Soddy for studying the chemistry of radioactive substances and discovering isotopes (1912). 1922 (P) Niels Bohr for his model of the atom and its radiation (1913). (C) Francis W. Aston for using the mass spectrograph to study atomic weights, thus discovering 212 of the 287 naturally occurring isotopes. 1923 (P) Robert A. Millikan for measuring the charge on an electron (1911) and for studying the photoelectric effect experimentally (1914). 1924 (P) Karl M. G. Siegbahn for his work in x-ray spectroscopy. 1925 (P) James Franck and Gustav Hertz for discovering the Franck-Hertz effect in electron-atom collisions. 1926 (P) Jean-Baptiste Perrin for studying Brownian motion to validate the discontinuous structure of matter and measure the size of atoms. 1927 (P) Arthur Holly Compton for discovering the Compton effect on x-rays, their change in wavelength when they collide with matter (1922), and Charles T. R. Wilson for inventing the cloud chamber, used to study charged particles (1906). 1928 (P) Owen W. Richardson for studying the thermionic effect and electrons emitted by hot metals (1911). 1929 (P) Louis Victor de Broglie for discovering the wave nature of electrons (1923). 1930 (P) Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman for studying Raman scattering, the scattering of light by atoms and molecules with a change in wavelength (1928). 1932 (P) Werner Heisenberg for creating quantum mechanics (1925). 1933 (P) Erwin Schrödinger and Paul A. M. Dirac for developing wave mechanics (1925) and relativistic quantum mechanics (1927). (C) Harold Urey for discovering heavy hydrogen, deuterium (1931). 1935 (P) James Chadwick for discovering the neutron (1932). (C) Irène and Frédéric Joliot-Curie for synthesizing new radioactive elements. 1936 (P) Carl D. Anderson for discovering the positron in particular and antimatter in general (1932) and Victor F. Hess for discovering cosmic rays. (C) Peter J. W. Debye for studying dipole moments and diffraction of x-rays and electrons in gases. 1937 (P) Clinton Davisson and George Thomson for discovering the diffraction of electrons by crystals, confirming de Broglie’s hypothesis (1927). 1938 (P) Enrico Fermi for producing the transuranic radioactive elements by neutron irradiation (1934–1937). 1939 (P) Ernest O. Lawrence for inventing the cyclotron. 1943 (P) Otto Stern for developing molecular-beam studies (1923), and using them to discover the magnetic moment of the proton (1933). 1944 (P) Isidor I. Rabi for discovering nuclear magnetic resonance in atomic and molecular beams. (C) Otto Hahn for discovering nuclear fission (1938). 1945 (P) Wolfgang Pauli for discovering the exclusion principle (1924). 1946 (P) Percy W. Bridgman for studying physics at high pressures. 1947 (P) Edward V. Appleton for studying the ionosphere. Appendix E Nobel Prizes A.37 1948 (P) Patrick M. S. Blackett for studying nuclear physics with cloud-chamber photographs of cosmic-ray interactions. 1949 (P) Hideki Yukawa for predicting the existence of mesons (1935). 1950 (P) Cecil F. Powell for developing the method of studying cosmic rays with photographic emulsions and discovering new mesons. 1951 (P) John D. Cockcroft and Ernest T. S. Walton for transmuting nuclei in an accelerator (1932). (C) Edwin M. McMillan for producing neptunium (1940) and Glenn T. Seaborg for producing plutonium (1941) and further transuranic elements. 1952 (P) Felix Bloch and Edward Mills Purcell for discovering nuclear magnetic resonance in liquids and gases (1946). 1953 (P) Frits Zernike for inventing the phase-contrast microscope, which uses interference to provide high contrast. 1954 (P) Max Born for interpreting the wave function as a probability (1926) and other quantum-mechanical discoveries and Walther Bothe for developing the coincidence method to study subatomic particles (1930–1931), producing, in particular, the particle interpreted by Chadwick as the neutron. 1955 (P) Willis E. Lamb, Jr., for discovering the Lamb shift in the hydrogen spectrum (1947) and Polykarp Kusch for determining the magnetic moment of the electron (1947). 1956 (P) John Bardeen, Walter H. Brattain, and William Shockley for inventing the transistor (1956). 1957 (P) T.-D. Lee and C.-N. Yang for predicting that parity is not conserved in beta decay (1956). 1958 (P) Pavel A. Cˇerenkov for discovering Cˇerenkov radiation (1935) and Ilya M. Frank and Igor Tamm for interpreting it (1937). 1959 (P) Emilio G. Segrè and Owen Chamberlain for discovering the antiproton (1955). 1960 (P) Donald A. Glaser for inventing the bubble chamber to study elementary particles (1952). (C) Willard Libby for developing radiocarbon dating (1947). 1961 (P) Robert Hofstadter for discovering internal structure in protons and neutrons and Rudolf L. Mössbauer for discovering the Mössbauer effect of recoilless gamma-ray emission (1957). 1962 (P) Lev Davidovich Landau for studying liquid helium and other condensed matter theoretically. 1963 (P) Eugene P. Wigner for applying symmetry principles to elementary-particle theory and Maria Goeppert Mayer and J. Hans D. Jensen for studying the shell model of nuclei (1947). 1964 (P) Charles H. Townes, Nikolai G. Basov, and Alexandr M. Prokhorov for developing masers (1951–1952) and lasers. 1965 (P) Sin-itiro Tomonaga, Julian S. Schwinger, and Richard P. Feynman for developing quantum electrodynamics (1948). 1966 (P) Alfred Kastler for his optical methods of studying atomic energy levels. 1967 (P) Hans Albrecht Bethe for discovering the routes of energy production in stars (1939). 1968 (P) Luis W. Alvarez for discovering resonance states of elementary particles. 1969 (P) Murray Gell-Mann for classifying elementary particles (1963). 1970 (P) Hannes Alfvén for developing magnetohydrodynamic theory and Louis Eugène Félix Néel for discovering antiferromagnetism and ferrimagnetism (1930s). A.38 APPENDIX E Nobel Prizes 1971 (P) Dennis Gabor for developing holography (1947). (C) Gerhard Herzberg for studying the structure of molecules spectroscopically. 1972 (P) John Bardeen, Leon N. Cooper, and John Robert Schrieffer for explaining superconductivity (1957). 1973 (P) Leo Esaki for discovering tunneling in semiconductors, Ivar Giaever for discovering tunneling in superconductors, and Brian D. Josephson for predicting the Josephson effect, which involves tunneling of paired electrons (1958–1962). 1974 (P) Anthony Hewish for discovering pulsars and Martin Ryle for developing radio interferometry. 1975 (P) Aage N. Bohr, Ben R. Mottelson, and James Rainwater for discovering why some nuclei take asymmetric shapes. 1976 (P) Burton Richter and Samuel C. C. Ting for discovering the J/psi particle, the first charmed particle (1974). 1977 (P) John H. Van Vleck, Nevill F. Mott, and Philip W. Anderson for studying solids quantum-mechanically. (C) Ilya Prigogine for extending thermodynamics to show how life could arise in the face of the second law. 1978 (P) Arno A. Penzias and Robert W. Wilson for discovering the cosmic background radiation (1965) and Pyotr Kapitsa for his studies of liquid helium. 1979 (P) Sheldon L. Glashow, Abdus Salam, and Steven Weinberg for developing the theory that unified the weak and electromagnetic forces (1958–1971). 1980 (P) Val Fitch and James W. Cronin for discovering CP (charge-parity) violation (1964), which possibly explains the cosmological dominance of matter over antimatter. 1981 (P) Nicolaas Bloembergen and Arthur L. Schawlow for developing laser spectroscopy and Kai M. Siegbahn for developing high-resolution electron spectroscopy (1958). 1982 (P) Kenneth G. Wilson for developing a method of constructing theories of phase transitions to analyze critical phenomena. 1983 (P) William A. Fowler for theoretical studies of astrophysical nucleosynthesis and Subramanyan Chandrasekhar for studying physical processes of importance to stellar structure and evolution, including the prediction of white dwarf stars (1930). 1984 (P) Carlo Rubbia for discovering the W and Z particles, verifying the electroweak unification, and Simon van der Meer, for developing the method of stochastic cooling of the CERN beam that allowed the discovery (1982–1983). 1985 (P) Klaus von Klitzing for the quantized Hall effect, relating to conductivity in the presence of a magnetic field (1980). 1986 (P) Ernst Ruska for inventing the electron microscope (1931), and Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer for inventing the scanning-tunneling electron microscope (1981). 1987 (P) J. Georg Bednorz and Karl Alex Müller for the discovery of high temperature superconductivity (1986). 1988 (P) Leon M. Lederman, Melvin Schwartz, and Jack Steinberger for a collaborative experiment that led to the development of a new tool for studying the weak nuclear force, which affects the radioactive decay of atoms. 1989 (P) Norman Ramsay (U.S.) for various techniques in atomic physics; and Hans Dehmelt (U.S.) and Wolfgang Paul (Germany) for the development of techniques for trapping single charge particles. Appendix E Nobel Prizes A.39 1990 (P) Jerome Friedman, Henry Kendall (both U.S.), and Richard Taylor (Canada) for experiments important to the development of the quark model. 1991 (P) Pierre-Gilles de Gennes for discovering that methods developed for studying order phenomena in simple systems can be generalized to more complex forms of matter, in particular to liquid crystals and polymers. 1992 (P) George Charpak for developing detectors that trace the paths of evanescent subatomic particles produced in particle accelerators. 1993 (P) Russell Hulse and Joseph Taylor for discovering evidence of gravitational waves. 1994 (P) Bertram N. Brockhouse and Clifford G. Shull for pioneering work in neutron scattering. 1995 (P) Martin L. Perl and Frederick Reines for discovering the tau particle and the neutrino, respectively. 1996 (P) David M. Lee, Douglas C. Osheroff, and Robert C. Richardson for developing a superfluid using helium-3. 1997 (P) Steven Chu, Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, and William D. Phillips for developing methods to cool and trap atoms with laser light. 1998 (P) Robert B. Laughlin, Horst L. Störmer, and Daniel C. Tsui for discovering a new form of quantum fluid with fractionally charged excitations |
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